Ron Giza Speaks at ATU’s Legislative Conference
June 12th, 2023 – The Amalgamated Transit Union’s Legislative Conference took place in Washington D.C. June 11, 2023 through June 15, 2023. The Legislative Conference Board consists of all ATU President’s from Local’s across the United States. The conference will include discussions of the ATU COPE program, as well as important legislative issues for transit workers and unions.
This year International President John Costa invited our Financial Secretary/Treasurer Ron Giza to speak on the COPE issue. This is a huge honor for Ron and Local 1342. He was one of only 8 invited to speak at this year’s conference. Ron has been working hard to increase our COPE contributions which are very important to help us support politicians that back our cause. As Ron always says, “IF YOU DON’T SUPPORT US, NOT ONLY WILL WE NOT SUPPORT YOU, WE WILL WORK AGAINST YOU.”
Keep up the good work!!